
"Lightning" FAQ

Resolute Stand (Card 319):

Experience for these attacks is evaluated separately, such that any remainder damage from the first attack does not roll over into the second attack.

Growing Rage (Card 320):

For the top action, the number of cards you have lost is equal to the cards in your lost pile plus any lost cards in your active area. If you recover any lost cards, they no longer count toward the total.

For the bottom action, the XP gain is part of the attack, so if you can perform the attack, you get the XP.

Blood Pact (Card 324):

For the top action, if you get damaged during the attack by retaliate, the effect of the retaliate happens immediately after the attack, before your current HP's are calculated.

Unbridled Power (Card 329):

The text on the bottom action means that any time you see the words "maximum hit point value," you would still apply your normal maximum hit point value instead of 26 (unless you are level 9 and they are the same).

Glass Hammer (Card 330):

Since this is not damage it cannot be mitigated in any way. If an item is used to attack multiple targets with the top attack, all targets would receive the full effect of the attack. Experience, however, would be calculated separately, such that any remainder damage from the first attack does not roll over into the second attack.

Numb the Pain (Card 331):

For the bottom action, you cannot chose to take the damage if there is no adjacent enemy. However, you can take the damage if the enemy is adjacent but immune to stun.

Reckless Offensive (Card 332):

For the top action, if you suffer no damage, the action does nothing. This attack also costs double to enhance.

Final Fight (Card 339):

For the top action, there is no way to mitigate the effect of becoming exhausted. As the name implies, this will be your final action for the scenario.

For the bottom action, the number of cards you have lost is equal to the cards in your lost pile plus any lost cards in your active area. If you recover any lost cards, they no longer count toward the total.

Burning Hatred (Card 342) (R1):

For the top action, if you consume fire, this turns from a melee attack into a ranged attack because a range is specified. Note that for R2, the attack is always melee.

Careless Charge (Card 343):

For the top action, at least one figure must be wounded in order to apply the effects (for the case of self or ally immunity)
