
Scenario end


Steps for the end of a scenario:

Once a scenario’s success or failure conditions are triggered, the remainder of the round is played out, and then the scenario ends.


1 - Players gain XP earned during the scenario

Players tally the experience their individual characters earned during the scenario and add that to their character sheet.

2 - Characters gain Gold from looted Money Tokens as per scenario level conversion (anything not looted during scenario is NOT gained).


If the scenario was successful continue to step 3. If not successful skip to step 7.


3 - Players record Checkmarks and resultant Perks from completed Battle Goals.

Checkmarks are recorded on the player’s character sheet and completing a set of three immediately earns a character a perk.

4 - Players receive bonus experience for successfully completing the scenario. This bonus is equal to four plus twice the scenario level.

XP = 4 + (Lx2), L = scenario level


5 - Read conclusion flavor text and mark sticker on Campaign Map and in scenario book as completed.

6 - Characters gain rewards and achievements as designated by scenario.

These are listed at the end of the scenario’s entry in the Scenario Book. Rewards can include global or party achievements, extra gold or experience for each party member, prosperity increases, unlocked scenarios, items, or item designs.

If reward = Item, award to any character

If reward = Item Design, add all copies of that Item to City Supply
Unlock new designated scenarios by placing stickers on Campaign Map


7 - Remove Attack Modifier cards added by Items, scenario effects , and Blessing and Curse cards from all Attack Modifier Decks (monster and player).

8 - Characters recover HP, lost and discarded Ability Cards and refresh all Items.


9 - Return all Battle Goal cards to their deck.

10 - Either return to Gloomhaven or start another scenario (travel to an unlocked one)

In the case that players immediately travel to a new scenario, they must complete a road event before starting the new scenario unless the new scenario is linked to the previous scenario.



Even if a character is exhausted, as long as the scenario was successfully completed, that character can still complete his or her battle goal, earn scenario rewards, and keep all the money and experience he or she collected before becoming exhausted. There is no penalty for becoming exhausted.