Playing a Scenario
Playing a Round
Resting 1
Short rest
Long rest
Conditions 1
Negative Conditions
Positive Conditions
Heal conditions
Round overview
Start of the round
End of round (cleanup)
Line of sight
Block line of sight
Round tracker
Attack modifier cards
Blessing cards
Curse cards
Attack: Advantage
Attack: Disadvantage
Attack: Area effects
Targeting multiple enemies
Attack effects
Target X
Locked doors
Scenario Setup
Scenario setup - part #1
Scenario setup - part #2
Scenario setup - part #3
Setting up map tiles
Monster Key
Receiving battle cards
Battle goal card
Starting player locations
Play area example setup
Scenario level
Difficulty level (easy, med, hard)
Setting up monsters
Scenario numbers referenced in text
Negative scenario effects
Selecting ability cards for scenario
Active ability card pool
Equipping Items
Small item equip limit
Equipped items limit
Objective and scenario aid tokens
End of a Scenario
Scenario end
Scenario end (successful)
Scenario end (unsuccessful)
Marking a scenario complete
Scenario completion awards
Tracking experience
Gaining perks
Bonus scenario experience
Unlooted money tokens
Money/gold tokens (value)
Resolving battle cards
Battle goal card
Scenario links
Travel in Gloomhaven
Collecting scenario rewards
Random Side Scenario
Player Turns
Summons (player)
Summons Turn (friendly)
Summons activation (friendly)
Multiple Summons (friendly)
Summons Defeat (friendly)
Summon Stats (friendly)
Summon Spawning/Placement (friendly)
Summons/allies (friendly)
Attack modifier cards
Attack steps
Player attack
Player attack: Ranged
Elements 1
Consuming elements
Single elemental augment
Multiple elemental augments
Elemental waning
Elemental Infusion
Player turn
Playing ability cards
Leading card
Performing ability card actions
Using Items
Round bonus (ability cards)
Persistent bonus (ability cards)
Recover ability cards
Active ability card effects
Secret battle cards
End of turn looting
Losing round/persistent bonus for damage
Losing played cards for damage
Revealing a room
Taking damage
Dealing damage
Rolling modifier
Lost cards
Discarded cards
Loot X
Tracking experience
Persistent bonus experience gain
Earning\gaining experience
Tracking health
Monster Turns
Summons (monster)
Summons Spawning/Placement (monster)
Summons Defeat (monster)
Summons (monster)
Monster Attack
Monster attack
Monster attack: Ranged
Attack modifier cards
Monster Movement
Monster movement
Monster movement: Ranged attack
Monster movement: Disadvantage
Monster movement: No attack
Monster movement: Traps/Hazards
Monster movement: Multiple targets
Monster movement: Single target
Ties: Monster ambiguity
Monster turn
Setting up monsters
Monster spawning
Monster ability cards
Monster level
Monster action order
Named Monsters
Bosses immune
Monster: Consuming elements
Tracking monster damage and conditions
Monster death/defeat
Monster type vs name
Monster looting
Monster bonus abilities
Monster healing
Monster focus - part #1
Monster focus - part #2
Monster no valid targets
Monster traits
Monster stat sleeve
Elite monsters
Normal monsters
Killing monster experience (nothing)
Overlay Tiles
Treasure Tiles
Trap tile (red border)
Trap damage
Corridors tile (gray border)
Obstacles tile (green tile)
Moving/Creating obstacle tiles
Difficult terrain tile (purple tile)
Hazardous terrain tile (orange tile)
Hazardous terrain tile damage
Door tile (blue border)
Door tile to monsters
Special Rules
Different curse decks
Trap damage
Hazardous terrain tile damage
Moving/Creating obstacle tiles
Destroying obstacles
Pressure plates
The letter "C"
Player communication
Monster spawning
Running out of monster standees
Campaign Mode
Campaign Setup
Campaign mode
Choosing a character to play
Creating initial city/road event decks
Starting available items
Forming a party
Personal quests
The attack modifiers decks
Visiting Gloomhaven
Buying Items
Selling Items
Using Items
Tracking item uses
Refreshing exhausted items
Consumed items
Spent items
Items modifying attacks
Items adding negative attack modifiers
Acquiring Items
Equipped items limit
Equipping Items
Starting available items
Available Items
Item reference numbers
Item owning restrictions
Small item equip limit
Item card breakdown
Random item design
Reputation: Item cost
Item use limit
Visiting Gloomhaven
Creating a new character
City events
Leveling a character up
Donating to the sanctuary
Enhancing ability cards
Character Retirement Steps
Gaining new ability cards
Tracking gold
Starting a character at a higher level
Travel in Gloomhaven
Global achievements
Party achievement tracking
Prerequisite achievements
Sealed Containers
Sealed boxes and envelopes
Conditions for opening sealed envelopes
Town Records
Enhancing ability cards
Enhancement cost
Extra hex enhancement
+1 enhancement
Negative condition enhancement
Positive condition enhancement
Jump enhancement
Element enhancement
Max number of enhancements
Permanent enhancement
Party Reputation
Reputation tracking
Reputation: Item cost
Reputation: Sealed envelopes
Gloomhaven board
Finding a location on the map
Gloomhaven Prosperity
Event Cards
Creating initial city/road event decks
Event cards
City events
Road events
Event card breakdown
Where to place an event card after read
Event card: Collective Rewards
Adding new event cards to decks
Misc Rules
Tracking level
Gaining perks
Different parties same game
Losing a checkmark
Losing experience
Losing gold
Losing prosperity
Acquiring Items
Item owning restrictions
Running out of personal quest cards
Retirement/unlock: adding new events
Unlocking personal quest cards rewards
Extra perks for retirement
Icon Reference
Round bonus (ability cards)
Persistent bonus (ability cards)
Lost cards
Refreshing exhausted items
Consumed items
Spent items
Player attack: Ranged
Player attack
Multi-color element symbol (wild)
Movement: Flying
Movement: Jump
Movement: Normal
Shuffle Icon
Heal X
Negative Condition: Poison
Negative Condition: Wound
Negative Condition: Immobilize
Negative Condition: Disarm
Negative Condition Stun
Negative Condition: Muddle
Negative Condition: Curse
Positive Condition: Invisible
Positive Condition: Strengthen
Positive Condition: Bless
Attack Effects: Push X
Attack Effects: Pull X
Attack Effects: Pierce X
Attack Effects: Add Target
Target X
Component Breakdown
Party sheet breakdown
Monster ability card breakdown
Ability card breakdown
Battle goal card breakdown
Attack modifier card breakdown
Monster statistic card breakdown
Scenario page breakdown
Item card breakdown
Character mat breakdown
Campaign board breakdown
Personal quest card breakdown
Character sheet breakdown
Play area example setup
General Scenario Game Play
“Ability +X” vs “Ability X”
Not performing part of actions?
Change order of action abilities?
Timing of separate attacks
"Do X to get Y", do I get Y, if no X
When are conditional bonus's evaluated?
"On your next attack action" timing
Knowing when an ability is attached
Ability Cards (losing, active, etc)
“At the end of your next X turns” timing
Losing cards and defensive triggers
Lost symbol and performing actions
Status of cards in my active area
Recover first card with second action
Basic action and losing a card symbol
Allied monsters and no loot drop
Allied monsters and battle goals
Am I an ally of myself?
Attack Modifier Cards
Damaging effects modified by attack card
Null attack modifier
Differences between attack effects
Battle Goals
Allied monsters and battle goals 1
Exhausted (no cards) and battle goals
Scenario Setup 1
Open vs Hidden during scenario setup
Objects placed on map during setup
Order of choices when setting up
Components and Icons
(R1) How to split up curse deck
Rulebook component count incorrect
(R1) Sun icon envelope in rulebook
(R1) Blessing and Curse tokens
(R1) Side B of map tiles L and D
Running out of condition tokens
Red starburst symbol on random dungeon
Running out of bases
Doors and Doorways
Double door
Door closing on a monster
Dropping coin in doorway
Standing in a doorway
Item Use
If you have one item that prevents the u
Damage 0 and next source of damage
(R1) Heal X (self)
Mandatory item card use
Equiped items activation timing
Item use limit FAQ
Using an item timing
Using an item definition
Kill Credit
Kill credit: Mind controlled ally kill
Kill credit:Mind controlled monster kill
Kill credit: Enemy death by wound
Kill credit: Enemy death by trap
LoS, Adjacency, Walls
Adjacency, obstacles, and flying
LoS and destructible walls
Corners and walls blocking LoS
One dimensional wall line (melee attack)
What exactly is considered a wall?
Melee attack adjacency rules
What are the line-of-sight rules?
What blocks Line of sight?
Closed doors and creating obstacles
Obstacles with hit points and conditions
Ch0osing not to refresh/heal from rest
Curing Wound and Poison
Short rest on last round
Long rest and turn for round
Friendly summons turn and long resting
Zero cards in hand, 2 in discard pile
Timing of a long rest
Scenario Completion
Win a scenario to complete it
Treasure and Gold left on board at end
Retrying a scenario
Prematurely failing
Blessing and curses at end of scenario
Regaining HP at end of scenario
Scenario completion and being exhausted
Exhaustion and meeting goals (timing)
Traps and Hazardous Terrain
Force moving and difficult terrain
Trap on a open door that closed
Player made traps
Ending turn on a hazardous terrain
Turn Scope/Timing
Two effects happening at sametime
Timing of a figures turn
Unoccupied vs. Empty Hex
What is the round tracker used for?
Exhaustion and revealing rooms
Puzzle Pieces
Open Information
Initiative 99 and long rest
Exhaustion 1
Ambiguous or Tied Situations
Ability card reveal
Player Abilities
Attack actions
Skipping attack effect that gives xp
Death effects timing
Performing an ability just for xp
Figures without attack granted an attack
Abilities granting actions FAQ
End of turn action timing
"Damage from attack" vs "damage source"
Single target attack actions definition
Multi-target attacks targeting only one
Single target attacks and dealing damage
Apply effects after killing an enemy
Turning an attack into a kill action
Killing an enemy and attacking
Targeted definition
Attack effect definition
Attack definition
Attack ability definition
Attack action definition
Action Definition
Area of Effect Attacks
Melee AoE attacks not adjacent
Changing AoE pattern after first attack
LoS evaluating timing
Mirror image of an attack
Targeting a wall with ranged AoE attack
Targeting empty hexes with area attacks
Allies and area attacks
Add Target
"Add target" but not adding anything
Add target and area effects
Range restrictions apply to new target
Target X
Performing target x without attacking
Target X, targeting less
Figure without an attack deck cursed
Abilities prevented by invisibility