
Event card breakdown


a - Front side of the event card.

b - Back side of the event card (should not be read until front side resolved).

c - A thematic introduction to the event . This should be read first.

d - A decision point: The party as a whole must choose between two options depending on their preference. Only after a collective decision has been reached should the card be flipped over and the proper outcome on the back resolved.


e - The number of the event . This number will be referenced in the game when instructing players to add specific events to their respective decks.

f - Descriptions of both choices.

Depending on which option the party chose, players should read the corresponding choice and ignore the other.


g - The outcome of a choice.

This consists of a block of thematic text followed by the specific game play effects on the game in bold.

A choice can contain multiple separate outcomes, some dependent on specific conditions.

h - Icon directing players to remove the event card from the game.


i - Icon directing players to return the event card to the bottom of the corresponding event deck after the outcome.