
Summons/allies (friendly)


Some abilities summon other ally figures to the board.

Summoned figures (summons) are placed in an empty hex adjacent to the figure performing the summon.

If there are no available hexes, the summon ability cannot be used.

Summoned figures never take a turn in the round they are summoned.


Summons are represented by a colored summon token. There are eight different colors of summon tokens so that multiple summons can be tracked at the same time, and players can assign any color they like to a specific summon.

Place tracker tokens on their summon ability cards for easy reference.


Summons have basic statistics for hit points, attack value, move value, and range value along with any special traits written on the ability card.

A summon is considered a persistent bonus (the card is placed in the active area) until:

1 - The summon loses all its hit points

2 - Its corresponding ability card is removed from the active area

3 - The summoner becomes exhausted

When any of the above happens the summon is removed from the board.


A summon’s turn in the initiative order is always directly before the character who summoned it, and is separate from that character’s turn.

Summons are not controlled by the summoning player, but instead obey automated monster rules, permanently following the ability card “Move+0, Attack+0” (see Monster Turn) and using the player’s attack modifier deck to perform its attacks.

Summon kills are credited to the owner of the summon.


A player can have multiple different summon abilities in play at once, in which case they act in the order in which they were summoned.