
Events affecting all or one character

Which event rewards/penalties affect a single character and which affect all characters?

If a result starts with "Gain," "Lose," "Discard," or "Consume," the result is distributed among all characters however they choose if the word "collective" is included (i.e. "Lose 10 collective gold." means that the party loses 10 gold total). The result affects each character separately if the word "each" is included (i.e. "Lose 10 gold each." means that a party of 4 would lose 40 gold total). The exception to this is if the result is gaining an item. In that case, only one character gets the item (decided among the players).

If a result contains "Start scenario with..." it affects all players, unless it says "One starts scenario with..." in which case it only affects one player.

There are a few cards with typos where the "collective" or "each" is not included (see below). As a rule of thumb, if something is missing, assume it says "each."

TYPO - City Event 04 (R1): "Lose 1 check." should read "Lose 1 check each."

TYPO - City Event 06 (R1): "Gain 5 experience." should read "Gain 5 experience each."

TYPO - City Event 22 (R1): "Gain 1 check." should read "Gain 1 check each."

TYPO - City Event 46 (R1): "Lose 5 gold." should read "Lose 5 gold each."


There is also a typo on road event 36. The symbols in outcome A should read as follows (the change is underlined in red):

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