Treasure tiles can be looted by a player for a variety of effects. There are two types of treasure tiles: “goal” tiles and numbered tiles.
Goal tiles are important for the completion of a scenario, and the rules for looting them will be specified by the scenario. “Goal” tiles are reset every time a scenario is played.
Numbered tiles can provide a number of different benefits. When one is looted, the looting player should immediately reference the number of the tile with the treasure index in the back of the scenario book to discover what was looted.
Only the looting player gains the benefit of the treasure tile (unless it is an item design, in which case the since the item is added to the general supply, all player will benefit).
If a specific item name is listed, find this item in the deck of unique items and immediately add it to your pool of items.
Only the player who looted this treasure chest gets this item and they only gain one copy even if multiple copies are in the supply.
If a character loots an item he or she already owns a copy of, the new item is immediately sold to the city’s available supply.
If an item design is listed, find all copies of that item and add them to the city’s available supply.
Numbered treasure tiles can only be looted once. After they have been looted, they should be crossed off in the Scenario Book as a reminder.