a - A zoomed in map of city Gloomhaven.
b - The surrounding map of the area around the city of Gloomhaven.
c - Numbered circles on the map represent scenarios that can be unlocked through the course of the campaign.
d - A sticker that is placed over a numbered circle when the scenario is unlocked.
e - When a scenario is completed in campaign mode, the blank spot on its sticker is marked to signify this.
f - A reference grid for the map so that scenario locations can more easily be found.
g - Space for tracking global achievements.
h - Stickers placed when a global achievement is unlocked.
i - Prosperity track.
When the prosperity of Gloomhaven increases, a square on the prosperity track should be marked for every point of increase, moving from left to right. At certain thresholds, this will increase the prosperity level of Gloomhaven.