Monsters without the Flying trait consider negative hexes (traps or hazardous terrain) to be obstacles when determining focus and movement unless movement through one of these hexes is the only way they can focus/move on a target.
In this case, they will use the path moving through the smallest number of negative hexes possible to find a focus and suffer any consequences.
Example: Even though the Tinkerer (a) is closer, Monster (1) will focus on the Brute (b) with its melee attack because it considers traps to be obstacles. Only if the Brute were not there and the only enemy the monster could focus on was the Tinkerer would it do so and cross the traps to get to him.
Example: Archer (1) will focus on the Brute (a), since she can get in range to attack him with the least number of moves. If the archer has a Range 3 attack and Move 2, she will move to hex (b) and attack her focus. If she only has Move 1, however, she will stay where she is and not attack. She will not move into the trap (c), even though it would put her in range to attack the Brute, because there is still another viable path to get within range of the Brute, even if she can’t use it this turn. She also will not move to hex (d), as it would get her no closer to being in range of the Brute.