
End of round (cleanup)


Once all figures have taken a turn, the round ends and some cleanup steps may be necessary:


If a standard “2x” or “Null” attack modifier card was drawn from a specific modifier deck during the round, shuffle all the discards of that deck back into its draw deck.

If a monster ability card with a shuffle symbol was drawn at the start of the round, shuffle all discards for the corresponding monster type back into its deck.


If there are any elemental infusion tokens in the Strong column, move them to the Waning column. If there are any elemental infusion tokens in the Waning column, move them to Inert.

Place all active round bonus ability cards in the appropriate discard or lost pile (depending on whether an action with a lost card symbol was used).


If a scenario calls for tracking rounds, move the round tracker forward one space.

Players may also perform a short rest if they are able.