Drenosh Marauder
Dual Wielder: You may use the effects and add the modifiers of both weapons during your melee attack.
Skirmisher: Each time you perform a melee attack action you may move 1 either before or after the attack.
Eviscerate: Each Enemy that takes damage from your Charge attack also gains the Bleeding condition.
Fiery Heart: Each time you defeat an Enemy, heal 2 of your damage.
Armor & Shield Proficiency: See Locking Stamina on Game Effects (A-O).
Drenosh Pyroblade
Immolation: Spend a maneuver. Roll 1 extra during each melee or magic attack you make this turn.
Fire Shield: Each time you take damage from a melee attack, gain Riposte 1 against that attack. See Riposte on Game Effects (P-Z).
Combustion: Your Fire Blast attack becomes an area 0 attack. See Area Attacks on Hero Attacks General.
Fiery Soul: Each time you defeat an Enemy, restore 3 spent stamina.
Tactics: After you have selected your action but before the Initiative card is revealed, you may spend 1 stamina to change your Initiative to any Ally initiative. Place the appropriate Initiative token over your chosen action’s initiative symbol to remind you. Remove the Initiative token at the end of the round.
Jonai Blademaster
Dual Wielder: You may use the effects and add the modifiers of both weapons during your melee attack.
Melee Weapon Mastery: Each melee attack on an Enemy who has not yet taken their turn this round gets +1 success.
Energy Infusion: Once per turn you may flip one of your spent Stamina chips from its stamina side to its wound side, placing it to the right of your Hero board, or from its wound side to its stamina side, placing it above your Hero board.
Armor & Shield Proficiency: See Locking Stamina on Game Effects (A-O).
Precision: Roll 1 extra during your first Blades of Wrath attack.
Jonai Aox Hunter
Lightning Reflexes: You may use your Rethink action to gain an extra maneuver instead of using it to gain 1 movement point or restore 1 spent stamina.
Energy Infusion: Once per turn you may flip one of your spent Stamina chips from its stamina side to its wound side, placing it to the right of your Hero board, or from its wound side to its stamina side, placing it above your Hero board.
Sniper: Your ranged attacks ignore the obstructed aim penalty.
Chosen One: Each time you defeat an Enemy, gain 1 Achievement gem.
Tactics: After you have selected your action but before the Initiative card is revealed, you may spend 1 stamina to change your Initiative to any Ally initiative. Place the appropriate Initiative token over your chosen action’s initiative symbol to remind you. Remove the Initiative token at the end of the round.
Lunara Knight
Skirmisher: Each time you perform a melee attack action you may move 1 either before or after the attack.
Mighty Strike: Spend a maneuver. Roll 1 extra during each melee attack you make this turn.
Retaliate: Each you roll during a reactive ability check against a melee attack may be used to gain Riposte 1 against that attack. See Riposte on Game Effects (P-Z).
Armor & Shield Proficiency: See Locking Stamina on Game Effects (A-O).
Tactics: After you have selected your action but before the Initiative card is revealed, you may spend 1 stamina to change your Initiative to any Ally initiative. Place the appropriate Initiative token over your chosen action’s initiative symbol to remind you. Remove the Initiative token at the end of the round.
Lunara Paladin
Redemption: Add 1 maximum range and +1 success to your Flash Heal and Revival actions.
Bless: When you use your Flash Heal action, the targeted Ally also gains the Bless condition.
Benevolent Aura: All other Allies within range 1 heal 1 extra damage each time they perform a recover maneuver to heal damage.
Armor & Shield Proficiency: See Locking Stamina on Game Effects (A-O).
Vigor: Each time you take damage from a melee attack, restore 1 spent stamina.
Matajam Ranger
Sniper: Your ranged attacks ignore the obstructed aim penalty.
Melee Weapon Mastery: Each melee attack on an Enemy who has not yet taken their turn this round gets +1 success.
Targeting: Spend a maneuver. Add 1 maximum range and 1 success to each ranged attack you make this turn.
Sharp Claws: Roll 1 extra during your Raging Nalam attack.
Tactics: After you have selected your action but before the Initiative card is revealed, you may spend 1 stamina to change your Initiative to any Ally initiative. Place the appropriate Initiative token over your chosen action’s initiative symbol to remind you. Remove the Initiative token at the end of the round.
Matajam Shaman
Abolish: Spend a maneuver to remove all conditions from an Ally within range 3 of your Hero.
Clear Mind: Your will increases by 1.
Barkskin: If you are not wearing any armor (including Helmets and Helms), each you roll during a reactive ability check may be used to add 1
to your roll.
Spirit Link: All other Allies within range 1 of your Nalam restore 1 extra spent stamina each time they perform a recover maneuver to restore spent stamina.
Hex: Spend a maneuver to give an Enemy within range 2 the Weakened condition.
Torrax Guardian
Crystal Crust: Add 1 to each reactive agility check you roll.
Swing Weapon: You may perform melee attacks at range 1. If you are using a melee weapon that allows you to attack at range, increase its maximum range by 1.
Forced March: This move maneuver allows you to spend 2 stamina to gain 3 movement points.
Melee Focus: Do not reduce the damage you heal from your recover maneuver when you are Hindered.
Protective Ward: All other Allies within range 1 add 1 to each reactive ability check they roll against a melee attack.
Torrax Geomancer
Earth Link: Spend a maneuver. Add 1 maximum range and 1 success to each magic attack you make this turn.
Willpower: When you roll a reactive Will check, roll 1 extra .
Molten Joints: Your agility increases by 1.
Diligent: Do not reduce the spent stamina you restore from your recover maneuver when you are Hindered.
Tactics: After you have selected your action but before the Initiative card is revealed, you may spend 1 stamina to change your Initiative to any Ally initiative. Place the appropriate Initiative token over your chosen action’s initiative symbol to remind you. Remove the Initiative token at the end of the round.
Venia Assassin
Dual Wielder: You may use the effects and add the modifiers of both weapons during your melee attack.
Sprint: This move maneuver allows you to spend 3 stamina to gain 4 movement points.
Evasion: See Evade on Game Effects (P-Z).
Shadow Stalker: Add 1 success to each attack you make with a dagger. Item cards 010, 080, and 081 are daggers.
Tactics: After you have selected your action but before the Initiative card is revealed, you may spend 1 stamina to change your Initiative to any Ally initiative. Place the appropriate Initiative token over your chosen action’s initiative symbol to remind you. Remove the Initiative token at the end of the round.
Venia Witch
Touch of Aox: This recover maneuver allows you to heal 3 damage.
Warp Fate: You may suffer 1 damage to reroll a magic attack. You may reroll the same magic attack more than once.
Blood Bond: If you have 4 or more Stamina chips that are wound side up, gain 1 extra success on each magic attack.
Dark Pact: For each you roll during a magic attack you may suffer 1 damage to gain 2 successes instead of spending 2 stamina.
Forbidden Magic: Each Enemy that takes damage from your Void Bolt attack also gains the Bleeding condition.
Zuva’Sai Hydromancer
Infusion: This recover maneuver allows you to restore 4 spent stamina if you have used a magic action this turn .
Arcane Focus: Spend a maneuver. Roll 1 extra during each magic attack you make this turn.
Spell Sniper: Your magic attacks ignore the obstructed aim penalty.
Toughened Corals: When you roll a reactive Might check, roll 1 extra .
Exploding Runes: When using your Runic Trajection attack, you may target an Enemy in each of 2 adjacent areas. Roll once and apply the result to both targets. Both targets must be in line of sight and within range. The Obstructed Aim penalty may apply to one or both targets.
Zuva’Sai Telepath
Levitate: This move maneuver allows you to spend 1 stamina to gain 3 movement points.
Opaque Shape: Each you roll during a reactive ability check may be used to reroll that die.
Telepathic Tendril: Add 1 maximum range to your magic attacks.
Psychic Aura: All other Allies within range 1 restore 1 extra spent stamina each time they perform a recover maneuver to restore spent stamina.
Tactics: After you have selected your action but before the Initiative card is revealed, you may spend 1 stamina to change your Initiative to any Ally initiative. Place the appropriate Initiative token over your chosen action’s initiative symbol to remind you. Remove the Initiative token at the end of the round.