
Hero Actions - Lunara


Lunara Level 1

Stalwart Smite

Make a melee or ranged attack using 2 .

Flash Heal

Choose your Hero or another Ally within range 3. Roll 3 . The chosen Ally heals an amount of their damage equal to the number of successes rolled.

Gallant Strike

Spend 2 stamina. Make a melee or ranged attack using 3 .

Lunara Level 2

Shield Bash

Requires a shield as an active item. Make a melee attack using 2 . No other weapon modifiers may be used during this attack. This attack has Push 1.

Debilitate (Knight)

Spend 2 stamina. Make a melee or ranged attack using 2 . An Enemy that takes damage from this attack gains the Weakened condition.

Blade of Justice (Paladin)

Spend 4 stamina. Make a melee attack using a number of equal to 2 plus your Will.

Lunara Level 3

Guardian of Light

A passive action. If there is 1 stamina locked on this action, it counts as a light source and any healing effect (including the recover maneuver) performed by Lunara or on Lunara heals an extra 1 damage.

Aura of Courage (Knight)

A passive action. If there is 2 stamina locked on this action, whenever your Hero or another Ally in line of sight within area 2 makes a melee or ranged attack, add 1 success to that attack.

Consecrate (Paladin)

A passive action. When you lock 2 stamina on this action, place the Consecrate token in the same area as your Hero. Any Ally in the same area as the Consecrate token and who is not hindered may, once on their turn, heal 2 of their damage.

Lunara Level 4


Spend an Inspiration gem. Choose your Hero or another Ally in the same area as your Hero, and one of the following effects:

» Heal 5 damage to the chosen Ally.

» Remove wounded status from the chosen Ally.

Armor of Faith (Knight)

Spend an Inspiration gem. Mark your Hero or another Ally in line of sight within range 5 with the Armor of Faith token. The marked Ally gains Mirror against the next melee attack that targets them. After this attack, take back the Armor of Faith token.

Light of Aiun (Paladin)

Spend an Inspiration gem. Push 2 all Enemies in line of sight within range 1. All Allies in line of sight within range 1 heal 3 of their damage and gain the Blessed condition.

Lunara Level 5

Weapon of Fate

Spend 3 stamina. Make a melee attack using 3 . Heal an amount of damage to your Hero equal to any Overkill damage this attack does.

Righteous Fury (Knight)

Spend 3 stamina. Make a melee attack using 2 . Additionally, all Enemies in line of sight within range 1 suffer 2 damage.

Divine Shield (Paladin)

Spend 2 stamina. Mark your Hero or another Ally in line of sight within range 3 with the Divine Shield token. The next time the marked Ally rolls a Reaction check against an attack, they get 2 extra successes and gain the Blessed condition. After this attack, take back the Divine Shield token.