



Conditions apply certain positive or (more usually) negative effects to an Ally or Enemy.

Whenever your Hero gains a condition, take the corresponding Condition card and place it on your Hero board. The Condition card remains until its discard condition has been met or the scenario ends. It is then discarded and placed back in the relevant pile of Condition cards.

Whenever a Non-Hero Ally or Enemy gains a condition, place the corresponding Condition token next to its Health Counter die (on its Ally card or Enemy board). The Condition token remains until its discard condition has been met or the scenario ends. It is then discarded and placed back in the relevant pile of Condition tokens. Look at the corresponding Condition card to see what the condition’s effects are.

An Ally or Enemy may not have the same condition more than once at the same time. Additionally, an Ally or Enemy may not have more than two conditions at the same time. If an Ally or Enemy gains a third condition, discard the condition with the lowest condition number (shown on the Condition card in brackets after the condition name).

Note: If an Ally or Enemy gains a condition during their turn, that condition will effect the remainder of that turn if possible.

See Conditions (detailed) for a full description of all conditions.

Note: There are Condition cards for all conditions.

There are Condition tokens only for the conditions that affect enemies.

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