Herbalism: The “Herbalism” phrase may allow you to choose a special option or give you a bonus on an ability check.
Gather Herbs: Spend a to gain a Voidbloom, Blightcap, Star Lotus, Togsbane, or Wormweed token. See Herbs on Item Token Descriptions.
Ability Elixirs: Discard a Voidbloom token to gain Item card 036 “Togrel's Brawn Elixir”, Item card 037 “Vespir's Grace Elixir”, or Item card 038 “Ophira's Mind Elixir”.
Potions of Recovery: Discard a Blightcap token and spend 1 to gain Item card 031 “Potion of Stamina” or discard a Star Lotus token and spend 1
to gain Item card 032 “Potion of Healing”
Elixirs of Mobility: Discard a Togsbane token and spend 1 to gain Item card 034 “Luawa’s Leap Elixir” or discard a Wormweed token and spend 1
to gain Item card 035 “Fleetfoot Elixir”.
Master Talent
Draught of Veils: Discard a Ghost Lichen token and spend 1 to gain Item card 039 “Draught of Veils”.