Torrax Level 1
Raging Smash
Make a melee attack using 2 .
Colossal Crush
Spend 1 stamina. Make a melee attack using 3 .
Spend 1 stamina. Make a range 3 magic attack using 2 .
Torrax Level 2
Move an item in line of sight within range 3 to another area in line of sight within range 3. If the item is being carried by a Hero, they must agree to the item being moved. If there is a Hero in the area the item is moved to, you may give the item to that Hero.
Grapple (Guardian)
Spend 1 stamina. Pull•2 an Enemy within range 2 and make a melee attack using 2 against them.
Earth Bolt (Geomancer)
Spend 3 stamina. Roll a magic attack using 2 . This attack targets up to one Enemy in each of the first 3 areas in a straight line of sight from your area. Each Enemy that takes damage from this attack gains the Slowed condition.
Torrax Level 3
A passive action. If there are 2 stamina locked on this action, once on each of your turns, you may heal 1 of your damage.
Battle Stance (Guardian)
A passive action. If there is 1 stamina locked on this action, you have Riposte 2 against all melee attacks within range 1.
Energy Absorption (Geomancer)
A passive action. When you lock 1 stamina on this action, mark your Hero or another Ally in line of sight within range 2 with the Energy Absorption token. The marked Ally may recover 2 spent stamina after each time they are attacked.
Torrax Level 4
Stone Form
Spend an Inspiration gem. Place the Stone Form token Stone Form symbol side up in the same area as your Hero. You now take up 2 capacity in that area. If that area is now above its maximum capacity, Push 1 one normal sized figure in that area if possible.
If your Hero is in an area with a maximum capacity of 1 or 2, no Ally or Enemy may move into that area.
Discard any conditions on your Hero. You do not take a turn and may not do anything during any other Ally or Enemy’s turn. You may not be affected by any attack, condition, or other effect.
At the start of the next round, flip the Stone Form token to its Torrax symbol side.
At the start of the next round after that, choose an action as normal. At the start of that turn, this effect ends. You may end this effect early, at the start of any Ally or Enemy turn (including your own).
When this effect ends, take back the Stone Form token and recover 5 stamina.
Pulverizing Blow (Guardian)
Spend an Inspiration gem. Make a melee attack using 5 . Each
rolled may be used as 2 successes instead of its normal effect.
Earthquake (Geomancer)
Spend an Inspiration gem. Make an area 1 magic attack using 2 . Each Enemy that takes damage from this attack gains the Stunned condition.
Torrax Level 5
Ferocious Swing
Spend 3 stamina. Roll a melee attack using 4 . This attack has range 1 and Cleave.
Repelling Strike (Guardian)
Spend 2 stamina. Make a melee attack using 3 . This attack has Push 2.
Stone Barrage (Geomancer)
Spend 3 stamina. Roll a magic attack using 3 . This attack targets all Enemies in 2 adjacent areas in line of sight within range 3.