Battered -1
- Get one fewer success when performing a melee attack.
Injured Eye
- Get one fewer success when performing a ranged or magic attack.
Pulled Back / Broken Ribs / Cracked Skull -1
- Treat your corresponding ability level as being 1 lower.
-1 - Get one fewer success when performing an active ability check.
Injured Ankle -1 - Get one fewer movement point when you perform a Move maneuver.
Strained Recover: -1 - Restore one fewer stamina when you perform a Recover maneuver.
Lacerated Recover: -1 - Heal one fewer damage when you perform a Recover maneuver.
Injured Elbow -1 - You have one fewer hands for your active items. If necessary, immediately move one of your active items into your backpack area. If this exceeds your encumbrance limit (see p. 16), you must drop items in your area until you are within this limit.
Injured Mouth
May not Potion, Elixir, Draught, or Herb items. - You may not use Potion, Elixir, Draught, or Herb items.
Initiative - You always take your turn last each round.
Actions and Story cards: -1 - All of your ranged attacks, magic attacks, and other actions with a range have their range reduced by 1. The range you can reveal and interact with Story cards is reduced by 1.
: 0-1
- You may only spend 0 or 1
on each
you roll.