


Boards, Books, Miniatures and Other General Components

7 Hero Boards

8 Hero Miniatures

57 Stamina Chips

21 Hero Tokens

7 Action Boards

7 Hero Books

60 Reputation Stickers

5 Lock Stickers

100 Progress Stickers

105 Action Tokens (15 per hero)

35 Vitality Disks

1 Campaign Book

1 Scenario Book

1 Story Book

Hero & Party Sheets

6 Big Scenario Maps & Game Map

3 Enemy Boards

5 Action Dice

3 Reaction Dice

12 Red Counter Dice

5 Black Counter Dice


Tarot sized cards:

596 Story Cards (39 Decks)

33 Scenario Cards

32 City Event Cards

32 World Event Cards

10 Artifact Cards

7 Profession Cards

8 Reference Cards

Standard sized cards:

18 Initiative Cards

14 Class Cards

7 Ally Cards

8 Henchmen Cards

7 Master Talent Cards

Small sized cards:

40 Condition Cards

14 Injury Cards

6 Trap Cards

20 Fate Cards

208 Item Cards


Ally & Enemy

8 Skitterer

5 Lumin

6 Vespir

3 Shiver Captain

5 Redskull Legionnaire

4 Cultists

5 Watchmen

4 Archer

4 Bruiser

3 Chirelid

8 Zlohian

3 Ustrig

4 Asputil

2 Void Revenant

2 Doom Knight

1 Bulbous Disgorger

3 Warlock

1 Togrel

1 Roglu

1 Benaethid

1 Hive Mother

1 Lusar

3 Revenant

3 Phrenipede

3 Lugat

3 Arcane Golem

8 Podling

Boss Standees:

Amon Pennark

Hyperion Gramask

Wollyon Pennark

Tan Gunagill

Hemet One-Flame




Guardian of Lok Torr

Tokens and Markers

20 Circle Tokens

15 Square Tokens

10 Triangle Tokens

10 Cross Tokens

20 1-Star Tokens

10 3-Star Tokens

10 5-Star Tokens

10 10-Star Tokens

5 20-Star Tokens

5 50-Star Tokens

28 Condition Tokens

4 Action Selection

46 1-Star Size

28 3-Star Size

40 5-Star Size

12 10-Star Size

6 20-Star Size

16 Runic Plates

20 Achievement Gem

20 Inspiration Gem

8 5x Achievement Gem Token

Scenario Specific Ally Token

Henchman Token

4+2 Teleport Tokens

12 Activity Tokens

4 Spawn Tokens

2 Hook & Rope Tokens

2 Chest Tokens

4 Trap Tokens

9 Initiative Tokens

4 Mirror Globe Tokens

2 Map Tiles

1 Grand Harp of the Dead

1 Bloodrock

1 Togrel & Wagon

1 Wagon

1 Boat

3 Barricades

1 Small & Large Tussocks / Rocks

1 Metal Disk

1 Mazog, Luawa and Withered Hand Pet Tokens