
Selling Items


Selling Items

Your Hero may sell an item at any time during the City step. Place the sold item in the Stock and take an amount of Star equal to the sale value of the item.

The sale value of an Item card is shown on the coin on the card. If there is no coin shown, the item

may not be sold.

The sale value of an Item token is indicated by the size and shape of the token:

» Small circular Item tokens have a sale value of 1

» Triangular Item tokens have a sale value of 3 ​

» Pentagonal Item tokens have a sale value of 5

» Large circular Item tokens have a sale value of 10

» Octagonal Item tokens have a sale value of 20

Quest Item cards

Quest Item cards do not show a coin and cannot be sold, discarded, or stashed.

Illegal Items

Illegal Item cards have a red background behind the name at the top of the card and have “illegal” shown underneath the name.

Illegal Item tokens have a red border on the side showing their effect.

Illegal items may not be sold unless you are instructed otherwise. Illegal items may be discarded or stashed.

Be warned, if your Heroes are caught carrying illegal items, there may be unfortunate consequences!