
Ally Attacks: Ranged


Before your Ranged attack

Before performing a Ranged attack with your Hero:

» You must decide which Enemy you are attacking.

» If you have more than one active ranged attack weapon, you must decide which one you are using to attack with.

» You must decide which optional effect(s) you are using (such as using a rune, poison, arrow, or once per scenario effect).


Your Hero may perform a ranged attack if the following 4 requirements are met:

» Your chosen action shows the ranged attack symbol .

» You have an active ranged attack weapon; an Item card placed in your active Item cards area, showing the ranged attack symbol in its effect box.

» There is an Enemy within the range shown in the effect box of your active ranged attack weapon. Ranged attack weapons have both a minimum and maximum range.

» That enemy is in line of sight.

The same requirements apply to a Non-Hero Ally, except that they do not require a weapon (Non-Hero Allies may not use items).


The ranged attack Action token shows the number of Action dice you should roll in a red box.

To calculate the damage caused by your Hero’s ranged attack, add together:

» The number of successes you roll.

» Any weapon modifiers you may have, shown in the effect box of your active ranged attack weapon.

» Any other modifiers you may have.

» Reduce the damage by 1 if your Hero’s aim is obstructed.

Ranged attacks of Non-Hero Allies show a fixed amount of damage on the attack on their Ally card. This damage is reduced by 1 if their aim is obstructed.

If a ranged attack does not show any damage, it does not cause any damage, but will have another effect as shown on the attack.

Obstructed Aim

Reduce your Ally’s Ranged or Magic Attack damage by 1 if there are any:

» Enemies in the same area as your Ally.

» Allies or Enemies in the same area as the Enemy being attacked.

» Allies or Enemies in any areas the line of sight passes through.

Apply this reduction no more than once to each attack.

Example: Lunara is performing a Ranged Attack against skitterer number 4. There is an Enemy a in the same area as her, there is a Hero (Zuva'Sai) b and an Enemy b in the same area as the Enemy being attacked, and there is a Hero (Torrax) c and an Enemy c in an area that the line of sight passes through. Regardless of how many times her aim is obstructed, Lunara only gets a -1 penalty to her Ranged Attack damage.