
Hero Actions - Venia


Venia Level 1

Shadow Strike

Make a melee attack using 2 .

Void Bolt

Spend 1 stamina. Make a range 3 magic attack using 2 .

Precise Shot

Make a melee or ranged attack using 2 .

Venia Level 2

Bounding Charge

Spend 2 stamina. Make a melee attack using 2 . You may Jump 2, either before or after this attack.

Backstab (Assassin)

Spend 2 stamina. Make a melee attack using 4 . You may only target an Enemy with this attack if they are in an area that contains another Ally or a Pet.

Shadow Tentacles (Witch)

Spend 3 stamina. Make an area 1 magic attack using 2 .

Venia Level 3

Shadow Form

A passive action. When you lock 1 stamina on this action, gain the Invisible condition. If you lose the Invisible condition, this passive action ends. If this passive action ends, you lose the Invisible condition.

Lacerate (Assassin)

A passive action. If there is 1 stamina locked on this action, each Enemy that takes damage from one of your melee attacks gains the Bleeding condition.

Curse of Aox (Witch)

A passive action. When you lock 2 stamina on this action, mark an Enemy in line of sight within range 3 with the Curse of Aox token. Once on each of your turns, you may Drain 2 the marked Enemy. If the marked Enemy is defeated, this passive action ends.

Venia Level 4

Venomous Jab

Spend an Inspiration gem. Make a melee attack using 2 . Double the effect of any poison used during this attack.

Assassinate (Assassin)

Spend an Inspiration gem. Choose a non-Elite Enemy in the same area as your Hero and another Ally or a Pet. The chosen Enemy is defeated.

Witch's Flight (Witch)

Spend an Inspiration gem. Jump 6 and gain Evade 1 this turn.

Venia Level 5

Spider Web

Spend 2 stamina. Mark 2 adjacent areas in line of sight within range 4 with a Spider Web token. Each Enemy that moves into either of these 2 areas gains the Slowed condition.

Hamstring (Assassin)

Spend 3 stamina. Make a melee attack using 2 . An Enemy that takes damage from this attack gains the Weakened condition. You may Move 2, either before or after this attack.

Life Transference (Witch)

Your Hero suffers 2 damage. Another Ally in line of sight within range 3 recovers spent stamina and heals damage, in any combination, up to a total of 5.