
Trap Cards


There are 6 Trap cards, described below. Each is an area attack.

Arcane Blast

Each Affected Ally:

Suffer 5 stamina loss reduced by a reactive Will check. Non-Hero Allies take this stamina loss as damage as normal.

Each Affected Enemy:

If Non-Elite, gain the Stun condition.

Fire Burst

Each Affected Ally:

Suffer 5 damage reduced by a reactive Agility check.

Each Affected Enemy:

Suffer 3 damage.

Nerve Gas

Each Affected Ally:

Roll an active Might check. If you fail, gain the Held condition.

Each Affected Enemy:

Gain the Held condition.

Poison Needles

Each Affected Ally:

Suffer 4 damage reduced by a reactive Agility check. If you take damage, gain the Weakened condition.

Each Affected Enemy:

Suffer 2 damage and gain the Weakened condition.

Psychic Cage

Each Affected Ally:

Roll an active Will check. If you fail, gain the Confused condition.

Each Affected Enemy:

If Non-Elite, gain the Confused condition.

Razor Blades

Each Affected Ally:

Suffer 5 damage reduced by a reactive Might check. If you take damage, gain the Bleeding condition.

Each Affected Enemy:

Suffer 2 damage and gain the Bleeding condition.