Enemy Movement
The number below the move symbol indicates the number of areas on the Scenario map the Enemy may move. If
is shown, the Enemy does not move.
When moving an enemy:
» If it is already in an area it can attack from, it does not move.
» Otherwise, it moves towards the area it can attack from that requires the least amount of movement to reach.
» If two or more areas are tied in this respect, it moves towards the one that allows it to attack an Ally with a higher Taunt value.*
» If two or more areas are valid in this respect, you may choose which of these areas it moves towards.
» If the Enemy cannot reach the area with the movement it has this turn, it will move as far towards the area as its movement allows.
It may sometimes happen that there is no area an Enemy could attack from, even if it had an unlimited amount of movement points. If this happens, move the Enemy towards an area it can reach that is as close as possible (counted in adjacent areas over single or double white lines) to an area containing an Ally, breaking ties with Taunt value as above.
If you are playing a scenario with a Non-Hero Ally, it is possible they may have the same Taunt value as one of your Heroes. The player controlling the Hero with the same taunt value decides in each case if their Hero or the Non-Hero Ally has the higher Taunt value.
Enemy movement example:
The skitterer needs to move 1 area to be able to attack Lunara with a melee attack. However, it also only needs to move 1 area to be able to attack Torrax or Venia, as the areas they are in are at maximum capacity.
As Torrax has the highest taunt value, the skitterer moves towards him.
You may choose which of the 2 possible areas it moves into.
An Enemy with Fly may move over double white lines as if they were single white lines, including between two areas of different height. They may not end their move in an area that does not have a maximum capacity.
An Enemy with Fly will not trigger a trap, although they are still affected by one if they are in its area when it is triggered.
» The areas an Enemy can attack from are determined by the attack it is performing during its action this round.
» If and Enemy is not performing an attack during its action, for the purposes of movement, assume it is performing a melee attack.
» In an Enemy is performing an area attack , or an attack with a target X, for the purposes of movement, treat it as an attack with a single target.
» An area that an Enemy cannot end their turn in due to its maximum capacity being exceeded does not count as an area they can attack from.
» An Enemy will always use the most direct (shortest) route it can when it moves toward an area.
Special Enemy Movement
Some Enemies have an asterisk * after their Move value. This indicates they use special rules for their movement. These rules will be detailed in the additional scenario rules or on a Story card in that scenario.