003 Pickaxe - Does not count as an axe.
006 Hook & Rope - May be used as either a melee attack weapon that can attack up to range 1 or a ranged attack weapon that can attack from range 1-2. In either case, subtract 1 success from your attack roll.
May be used to climb with.
A Hero with a Hook and Rope who is in the higher of two areas separated by a double white line showing a height symbol may:
» Discard the Hook & Rope » Place a Hook & Rope token on that double white line.
A Hero with a Hook and Rope who is in the lower of two areas separated by a double white line showing a height symbol may:
>> 5
Success: Discard the Hook & Rope » Place a Hook & Rope token on that double white line.
Fail: You may spend another maneuver to try again this turn.
A Hero in an area with a Hook & Rope token on one of it's borders may spend 1 movement point to:
4 Success: Move into the area on the other side of that border.
Fail: You may spend another movement point to try again this turn.
A Hero in an area with a Hook & Rope token on one of it's borders may discard the Hook & Rope token to gain Item card 006 Hook & Rope.
012 Spear - May be used as a melee attack weapon that can attack up to range 1.
021 Buckler - If you are attacked by an Enemy within range 1 and you take no damage from that attack, that Enemy suffers 1 damage.
035 Fleetfoot Elixir - Discard to Move 4.
039 Draught of Veils - Discard to gain the Invisible condition.
040 Scroll of Telekinesis - Spend a maneuver. Discard to move an item within range 4 to another area within range 4. If the item is being carried by a Hero, they must agree to the item being moved. If there is a Hero in the area the item is moved to, you may give the item to that Hero.
042 Scroll of Lethargy - Spend a maneuver. Discard to make an Enemy within range 1-3 who has not already had their turn this round to take their turn last this round. Place the “Last” Special Initiative token next to the Enemy’s Health Counter die to remind you.
045 Scroll of Banishment - Spend a maneuver. Discard to defeat an Aox, non-Elite Enemy within range 0-2.
047 Scroll of Summoning - Spend a maneuver. Discard to summon the appropriate Summoned Ally at range 0.
049 Cube of Teleportation - Discard to Teleport 5.
050 Cube of Annihilation - Spend a maneuver. Discard to make an area 1 magic attack using 3 .Each
you roll may be used to add 2 successes to your roll. You may not spend stamina to increase this further.
051 Prismatic Jewel - Discard to gain an extra maneuver this turn.
052 Jade Figurine - Spend a maneuver. Discard to summon a Togrel at range 0-1.
053 Obsidian Figurine - Spend a maneuver. Discard to summon a Vespir at range 0-1.
074 Chest of Relocation - Always bought and sold as a pair. Spend a maneuver to teleport an encumbrance 0 item to the Hero with the other Chest of Relocation.
We recommend you do not read the descriptions of the Item cards below
until you have that Item card, so as not to spoil any surprises.
075 Aox Scimitar - Spend 1 stamina each time you perform a melee attack with this weapon. Gain 2 extra successes on this attack.
076 Glacial Fang - Gain 2 extra successes on your melee attack. For each you roll, a non-Elite Enemy that takes damage from your attack gains the Stunned condition.
077 Runeblade - Gain 2 extra successes on your melee attack. For each weapon rune you discard during your attack, roll a . If you roll
, do not discard the weapon rune. You may not use the same weapon rune more than once during the same attack.
078 Voidrender - Gain 2 extra successes on your melee attack. For each Enemy you defeat during this attack, restore 1 spent stamina.
079 Verdant - Stinger Gain 1 extra success on your melee attack. For each you roll, an Enemy that takes damage from your attack gains the Bleeding condition.
080 Quothian - Dirk Get Pierce 1 on your melee attack. You may spend up to 3 stamina instead of 2 for each you roll to gain an equal number of successes.
081 Tear of Eti - Get Pierce 1 on your melee attack. You may spend 3 stamina at the start of the Ally and Enemy Turns phase to take your turn first this round.
082 Ceremonial Spear - May be used as a melee attack weapon that can attack up to range 1. Gain 1 extra success and Pierce 1 on your melee attack.
083 Compendium Aoxa - You may discard a Blood Crystal token to roll 2 extra during your magic attack. For each
you roll during this attack you may suffer 1 damage to gain 2 successes instead of spending 2 stamina.
084 Moonsilver Cane - Gain 1 extra success on your magic attack. You may spend 5 stamina after your attack to gain the Invisible condition.
085 Staff of Ata Cahay - Increase the range of your magic attack by 1. Gain 2 extra successes on your magic attack.
086 Vyrgon ́s Crook - Gain 2 extra successes on your magic attack. This magic attack costs 1 fewer stamina.
087 Wand of Beasts - Gain 1 extra success and Pierce 1 on your magic attack. For each you roll during this attack, a Beast Enemy that takes damage from the attack gains the Dominated condition.
088 Wand of Geomancy - Gain 1 extra success on your magic attack. For each Enemy that takes damage from this attack you may spend 1 stamina to give that Enemy the Slowed condition.
089 Wyldkin Wand - Increase the range of your magic attack by 1. Roll 1 extra during this attack. You gain the Cursed condition.
090 Elakira’s Sliver - Gain 1 extra success on your magic attack. If you used a level 2 Magic attack, it costs 1 fewer stamina.
091 Nafabi Longbow - Gain 1 extra success and Pierce 1 on your ranged attack. If you discard an arrow during your attack, roll a . If you roll
, do not discard the arrow.
092 Longbow of Grenak - Gain 2 extra successes on your ranged attack.
093 Keepers' Robe - Add 1 to each reactive ability check you roll against a magic attack from an Aox Enemy. Each
you roll during a will reactive ability check may be used to add 1
to the roll.
094 Dark Abbot's Robe - Each you roll during a will reactive ability check may be used to add 1
to the roll. If you have 4 or more Stamina chips that are wound side up, gain 1 extra success on your magic attack.
095 Golemsteel Plate - You are never Hindered. Add 2 to each might reactive ability check you roll.
096 Gorazad's Cuirass - Add 1 to each might reactive ability check you roll. If you are attacked by an Enemy within range 1 and you take no damage from that attack, that Enemy suffers 1 damage.
097 Scales of Fuoha ́Sai - Each you roll during a might or agility reactive ability check may be used to add 1
to the roll. You are immune to the Dominated condition.
098 Saltspray Guard - Add 1 to each reactive ability check you roll against a ranged attack. Add 1
to each agility reactive ability check you roll.
099 Helm of Strongmaw - You are immune to the Slowed condition. Each you roll during a will reactive ability check may be used to add 2
to the roll.
100 Gunbanjar Bag -Increase your encumbrance limit by 7. Once per scenario, gain a small circular Herb token from the stock.
101 Tome of Delion - Spend a maneuver and discard an Agura Crystal token to place a purple Teleporter token, active side up, in the same area as your Hero. Allies may teleport between purple Teleporter tokens.
102 Tome of Tiamar - Spend a maneuver and discard a Nature Essence token to remove all conditions from all Allies within range 2 of your Hero.
103 Tome of Selecos - Spend a maneuver and discard a Life Essence token to flip all the Stamina chips of a Hero in the same area as your Hero from their wound side to their stamina side, placing them above their Hero board.
104 Tome of Wolzad - Spend a maneuver and discard a Death Essence token to Drain 3 an Enemy within range 3 of your Hero.
105 Amulet of Shonosh - You are immune to the Bleeding condition. For each Enemy you defeat, heal 1 damage.
106 Whisper of Aiun - Once per turn you may flip one of your spent Stamina chips from its stamina side to its wound side, placing it to the right of your Hero board, or from its wound side to its stamina side, placing it above your Hero board.
107 Amulet of Power -Spend a maneuver and a stamina to roll an extra during each attack you make this turn.
108 Nether Loop - Add 1 to each reactive ability check you roll against a magic attack. During a magic attack, you may spend up to 3 stamina instead of 2 for each
you roll to gain an equal number of successes.
109 Ring of Shifting - You have Evade 1. You are immune to the Held condition.
110 Pennark Signet - Once per scenario you may gain Mirror against an Enemy attack.
111 Ring of Mazurak - Once per scenario, at the start of the Ally and Enemy Turns phase, you may choose to take your turn first this round.
112 Lucky Coin - Once per City step, you may reroll an active or reactive ability check. Once per Scenario step, you may reroll an active or reactive ability check.
113 Geomantic Remaker - The “Lock picking” and “Disarm traps” phrases may allow you to choose a special option or give you a bonus an an ability check. Once per scenario, you may set a trap within range 1.
114 Puzzle Box of Mion - Once per turn, you may roll the active will check shown. If the check is a success, you may reveal the top Initiative card and place it on either the top or bottom of the Initiative deck. If you do, you may not use this effect again during this scenario.
115 Golem Cube - Spend a maneuver and choose a non-Elite Construct Enemy within range 2. The chosen Enemy Moves 2 in any direction you wish.
116 Eye of Zoggothu - Spend a maneuver and gain the Weakened condition to have an Enemy within range 1 suffer 5 damage.
117 Archive Notes (Volume 1)
118 Archive Notes (Volume 2)
119 Archive Notes (Volume 3)
Allows you to read the archive notes in the Campaign book on the page shown. These help you to understand the contents of the Archive.
120 Withered Hand - You may place the Withered hand standee on the map. You may spend 3 stamina to make an Enemy in the same area as the standee gain the Weakened condition.
Trained: Each Enemy moving out of the area containing the standee suffers 1 damage. You may spend 2 stamina to make an Enemy in the same area as the standee gain the Weakened condition.
121 Mazog You may place the Mazog standee on the map. Each Enemy moving out of the area containing the standee suffers 1 damage. You may spend 1 stamina to make an Enemy in the same area as the standee gain the Bleeding condition.
Trained: Each Enemy moving out of the area containing the standee suffers 2 damage. You may spend 1 stamina to make an Enemy in the same area as the standee gain the Bleeding condition.