
Enemy Health, Shields and Provoke


Enemy Health

Each Enemy starts with the amount of health shown on its Enemy card. The health of an Enemy is tracked on its Enemy board using a red Counter die. Place the die on the Enemy board in the area corresponding to the number on the Enemy figure. For Enemies with more than 10 health you will need to use 2 Counter dice, one for the “tens” and one for the “units”, to represent a 2-digit number.

Many Enemies have health values that vary depending on the number of Heroes. This is shown as a simple equation using a .

Some Enemies have infinite ∞ health. These Enemies may still be attacked and gain conditions, but there is no need to track their health.

Applying Damage to Enemies

Each time an Enemy suffers damage, reduce its health by the amount of damage suffered.

Once an Enemy is reduced to 0 health or less, it is defeated and removed from the Scenario map. Place its figure back in the supply, and remove its Counter die from the Enemy board.

Enemy Shields

Any damage an Enemy suffers from an attack is reduced by their shield value.

Any damage an Enemy suffers from a source other than an attack is not reduced by their shield value.


Any Ally that moves out of an area containing an Enemy with Provoke suffers damage equal to the number shown on that Enemy's Provoke ability. If there are multiple Enemies in the area that the Ally moves out of, the Ally suffers damage from each one. Some Enemies have a ranged Provoke ability, shown by a range value underneath their Provoke value on their Enemy card. In this case, an Ally that moves out of an area in line of sight and within the range shown of the Enemy suffers that Enemy's Provoke damage.

An Ally may only suffer Provoke damage from the same Enemy once during that Ally’s turn, but more than one Ally may suffer Provoke damage from the same Enemy in the same round.