


A timer uses the values on the Fate cards to count to a target number. On reaching this number an event will occur, and the timer will usually be reset or stopped.

Starting a Timer

When instructed to start a timer, from that round onwards, place the Fate card revealed at the end of each round in a separate pile from the Fate card discard pile. Any Fate cards that were discarded in previous rounds remain in the Fate card discard pile. This new pile is called the Timer pile.

Reaching a Target Number

Each time you place a Fate card in the Timer pile, total the values of all Fate cards in the Timer pile, including the newly placed one. If this total equals or exceeds the timer’s target number, the given event will occur.

For timers with higher target numbers (over 10) you may want to use one or more Counter dice to record the total or arrange the Fate cards in the Timer pile in separate groups, each with a total value of ten.

Resetting a Timer

When instructed to reset a timer, remove all but the most recently placed Fate card from the Timer pile and place them in the Fate card discard pile. The timer will start its count again. This count includes the Fate card remaining in the Timer pile.

Stopping a Timer

When instructed to stop a timer, remove all Fate cards from the Timer pile and place them in the Fate card discard pile. From that round onwards, you should place the Fate card revealed at the end of each round into the Fate card discard pile.
