
Item Card Descriptions


Item Card Limits

You may only use a maximum of 1 helmet (an armor with "Helmet" or "Helm" in its name), 1 non-helmet armor or robe, 1 backpack, and 1 pet Item card at a time. Other types of items are not limited in this way. You may take others with you during a scenario. If you do, place them underneath the item of the same type that you are using with just their name and encumbrance showing.

If you wish to start using one of these items, spend a maneuver and place the item you now wish to use above the item you are no longer using, arranging them in a similar manner as before. If the item requires stamina to be locked on it to use, you must do so immediately. See Locking Stamina on Game Effects (A-O)

If you are using an item of one of these types and you gain another during a scenario, place the new item underneath the item you are using in a similar manner to before. You may start using this new item by spending a maneuver as above.

If you gain an item of one of these types, but are not currently using another one of the same type, place the new item sideways in your backpack. You may start using this new item by spending a maneuver as above. If you do so, rotate it upright to show you are now using it.

Heavy Armor

Heavy Armor is any Armor Item card that requires stamina to be locked on it to use.

Item Requirements

Some Item cards have requirements (shown on the left hand side) that must be met in order for your Hero to be able to use them.

The item must be an active item. The number after the hand symbol shows how many hands the item requires.

The item must have stamina locked on it (see Locking Stamina in Game Effects (A-O)).

Your Hero must have at least the value shown in the given ability.

If one or more effects are separated by a comma, apply all of those effects. If one or more effects are separated by a horizontal line, choose one of those effects.

Related Rule(s)