
Conditions (detailed)


Each condition is described below, including when to discard the Condition card or Condition token, as appropriate.

#1 Invisible

Affected Ally

You may not be targeted by an Enemy attack.

You may still be attacked by an area attack targeting another Ally. If you attack or an Enemy is within range 1, discard.

Affected Enemy


#2 Blessed

Affected Ally

After any one roll, you may roll 1 more die and add its result. If you do, discard.

Affected Enemy


#3 Bleeding

Affected Ally

Suffer 1 damage at the start of each turn.

Spend a maneuver to discard.

Affected Enemy

Suffer 1 damage at the start of each turn. If they did not move during their turn, discard.

#4 SIowed

Affected Ally

Next time you perform a move maneuver / jump, get 1 fewer movement point / jump 1 fewer area and discard.

Affected Enemy

On their next move, get 1 fewer movement point and discard.

#5 Weakened

Affected Ally

Next time you roll 1 or more , roll 1 fewer die and discard.

Affected Enemy

On their next attack that causes damage or stamina loss, reduce that attack by 2 and discard.

#6 Held

Affected Ally

You may not perform a move maneuver or a jump. Spend a maneuver to discard.

Affected Enemy

On their next move, do not move and discard.

#7 Cursed

Affected Ally

Next time your Hero performs an attack action, any stamina you spend during that

action (including the Action's cost) is flipped to its wound side. After the attack, discard.

Affected Enemy


#8 Confused

Affected Ally

Next time you would perform an action, miss that action. Next time you would perform a maneuver, miss that maneuver. Once you have missed both, discard.

Affected Enemy

On their next turn, miss that turn and discard.

#9 Stunned

Affected Ally

Next time you would perform an action, miss that action. Next time you would perform a maneuver, miss that maneuver. Once you have missed both, discard.

Affected Enemy

On their next turn, miss that turn and discard.

#10 Dominated

Affected Ally

At the start of your next turn, the closest other Ally within range 2 suffers 2 damage. Use highest Taunt value to break ties for closest. Another Hero in the same area as the targeted Ally may choose to suffer the damage instead. Once you have missed your action, discard.

Affected Enemy

The next time the Enemy would perform their attack, they do not attack. Instead, the closest other Enemy of your choice within range 2 suffers 2 damage. Once they have missed their attack, discard.