
3. Ally and Enemy Turns


Allies and Enemies take their turns in the order determined by the Initiative card.

A Hero’s turn is significantly different from a Non-Hero Ally’s turn, so they are explained separately.

A Hero Turn

During your turn, your Hero performs your chosen action and one maneuver, in either order. You do not choose which maneuver you wish to perform until it is time to perform it. Once you have started an action or maneuver, you must complete it before starting another action or maneuver. You may forfeit an action or maneuver, or both.

A full description of all Hero actions and maneuvers may be found on Hero Actions.


If the initiative card for the current round shows the bonus maneuver symbol next to the Initiative symbol matching your Hero's chosen action or your Ally card, they may perform an extra maneuver this turn.

Rethink Action

This action is not chosen at the start of the round and is not shown on your Hero board.

During your turn, you may perform the rethink action in place of your chosen action. Your initiative color does not change. The rethink action allows you to either spend 1 movement point to move your Hero, or restore 1 spent stamina. If you choose to perform the rethink action, flip your Action Selection marker over to its rethink side.


If you have chosen the focus action as your action for the round, you may only perform the rethink action instead if you have not yet used the focus action to roll an extra die this round.

A Non-Hero Ally Turn

During their turn, a Non-Hero Ally may perform one action and one maneuver, in either order. You do not choose which action or maneuver they perform until it is time to perform it. Once they have started an action or maneuver, they must complete it before starting another action or maneuver.

They may forfeit their action or maneuver, or both.

Non-Hero Allies each have an Ally card that shows the actions and maneuvers they may perform.

There are 2 actions shown on the left hand side of their Ally card and 2 maneuvers shown on the right hand side. Additionally, each also has a special skill shown in the bottom right of their Ally card. A full description of all Ally actions, maneuvers, and special skills may be found on Non-Hero Allies section.

Non-Hero Allies reveal Story cards as normal, however they may not interact with optional sections of a Story card (those with a numerical, non-infinite range). Additionally, they may not use the rethink action, spend stamina, or carry or use items.

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