Whenever a trap is triggered, reveal and resolve the top Trap card of the Trap deck, and then immediately shuffle the Trap card back into the Trap deck.
Trap Deck
Most scenarios do not use the Trap deck, so we recommend leaving the Trap cards in the box until required. If a scenario instructs you to place 1 or more Trap tokens on the Scenario map during setup, that scenario uses the Trap deck. Other scenarios may also use the Trap deck, but you are not told at the start of the scenario so as not to spoil the surprise! If the Trap deck is required, shuffle the Trap cards and place them face down below the Scenario book to create the Trap deck.
Trap Tokens
A Trap token in an area indicates there is a trap in that area. If a Hero moves into the same area as a Trap token, they may try to disarm the trap:
6 (Disarm traps: +2
Success: Discard the Trap token.
Fail: Discard the Trap token and trigger a trap in that area.
If the Hero does not try to disarm the trap, or a Non-Hero Ally or Enemy without Fly moves into the same area as a Trap token, discard the Trap token and trigger a trap in that area.
Setting a Trap
Some effects allow an Ally or Enemy to set a trap. Place a Trap token within the range designated by the effect. Enemies will always set a trap as close to an Ally as possible. A trap may not be set in an area of a different height to the area the Ally or Enemy is in.