
Spawning an Enemy


Spawning an Enemy

When instructed to spawn an Enemy, place an appropriate figure for that Enemy in the area when the spawn effect occurred. As an Enemy does not take a turn during the round it is spawned, you may want to place an Enemy spawned during the Ally and Enemy Turns phase on its side as a reminder that they will not take a turn this round. If you do, place the figure upright at the end of the round.

You should choose a figure at random from those available when spawning an enemy. If no figure is available, the Enemy is not spawned. If several Enemies are spawned at the same time and figures are only available for some of them, place the Enemies that are at the shortest range from an Ally first.

If spawning an Enemy would mean that an area is taken above its maximum capacity, instead place the figure in the area at the shortest range from that area that would not be taken above its maximum capacity.

If a range is shown, the Enemy is spawned in the area within the given range that is closest to an Ally.

An area which would be taken above its maximum capacity is invalid in this case.

When spawning an Enemy at range, measure that range across single white lines only.

In all case, use highest Ally Taunt value to break any ties. If one or more areas are still tied, you may choose which area the Enemy is spawned in.

Spawning Enemies at Different Hero Counts

Sometimes the diagram showing where to spawn Enemies shows one or more with a number and a ‘+’ on it. Only spawn that Enemy if you are playing with a number of Heroes equal to or greater than the number shown.


In a game with 2 Heroes, spawn a Razor Thug in the area shown. In a game with 3 or 4 Heroes, also Spawn a Razor Arrow. If there's already a figure in that area in a game with 3 or 4 Heroes, spawn one of those Enemies in the closest area not at maximum capacity; in this case, that would likely be the area containing C.