Continuing the example from Delve Setup, as the first battle round begins, the players have no abilities to trigger. It is not a fatigue round, so neither adventurer gains overfatigue, nor would they be dealt overfatigue damage if they had any in their cooldown track. The adventurers take their individual turns.
Ryan has the first player token, so he is first in turn order.
Start of Turn and Exploration
At the start of his turn, Ryan is in magic ( ) battle form, so he triggers his Sorcerer class’ innate ability to gain 1 tenacity, bringing him to 5 total.
Then, Ryan is occupying 1 of the entrance tile’s explorable hexes (which share a icon), so he decides to trigger an exploration. This is not an action, because he started his turn in an explorable hex.
1. Ryan draws the top card of the Delve Deck, which is Spore Chamber. It shows a 3-hex tile. He draws a tile matching the shape depicted on the Spore Chamber card.
2. The card has 2 text effects:
a. The card’s When Revealed effect is resolved immediately. Each adventurer must either drain a Combat skill die from anywhere on their adventurer mat or gain a Bane status die. Ryan decides he can spare a Combat die for the battle, so he removes 1 from its slot and places it on his race sheet. Shannon adds a status die set to the Bane icon to the leftmost open position in her cooldown track.
b. The card also has a blue skyshard effect box. The numbered effects in this box will be triggered later, when an adventurer moves into 1 of this tile’s hexes and gains the room’s single skyshard ( ).
3. Ryan connects the tile to the entrance tile. He notes he must connect it so that only 1 of its hexes is adjacent to both of the entrance tile’s
4. The card has no or
caches, so none are placed in the tile’s hex that has both a
5. The card’s challenge scale shows a single level 1 enemy in its 2-adventurer ( ) row. With 2 adventurers and 4 XP in its XP Dial, the party calculates an EP of 8, but the maximum level of enemy that can be deployed is level 1, per the challenge scale. So, the adventurers draw and deploy a level 1 Spriggan to that tile’s hex that has both a
icon on it. Despite the EP not being entirely used, no more enemies are deployed because there are no more on the card’s challenge scale, and there are also no more
icons on the new tile.
6. Ryan places the card faceup next to the new tile because it still has an unclaimed skyshard icon. The tile is connected, so the exploration is resolved. During Ryan’s upcoming Adventurer Actions step, he could also explore the Spore Chamber’s explorable hex by either moving into that hex or performing an explore action.