The Elder Scrolls: Betrayal of the Second Era

Adventurer Mat Anatomy Overview


The adventurer mat has the following parts, as shown on the diagram below.

1. Race Reference Sheet: This shows the innate ability and starting stats for the adventurer’s race. The adventurer chip is placed here between battles.

2. Attribute Rows: Each row has 2 circular attribute slots (1 at each end) and 6 square slots between them. Stats, skill line tokens, and skill dice are placed here.

3. Skill Reference Sheets: These describe the abilities for each skill line the adventurer is trained in.

4. Cooldown Track: Dice are placed here as the adventurer exhausts their skill dice or gains fatigue and status effect dice.

5. Cooldown Stat: This is the number of dice removed from the cooldown track each turn. An adventurer’s current Cooldown stat is marked by placing a peg in the slot equal to the stat.

6. Tenacity: Rolled results are tracked here with a peg as they are gained and spent to resolve class abilities.

7. Battle Forms: The current battle form is marked here by placing a peg next to its icon. Battle forms determine the dice that can be rolled and the items that can be used together in battle.

8. Active Slots: Dice placed here are active and have ongoing effects.

9. Saved XP: Individual unspent XP is tracked here with a peg.

10. Class Reference Sheet: This shows the adventurer’s innate class and tenacity abilities, which can be resolved by spending tenacity.

11. Inventory Ready Slots: The adventurer can have up to 4 ready item cards placed here. These are the only items they can use in battle.

12. Inventory Pack Area: The adventurer can have up to 8 total items (including their ready items). Items not in ready slots are stacked and placed here on the race reference sheet. These items cannot be used in battle.