These encounters are described in the gazetteer and are triggered when the party ends its overland movement in a town or rolls a result on the unstable die while at an unstable landmark.
Some towns can become closed as a result of encounters or quests. When this happens, the party must note it in the campaign journal. While a town is closed, the party cannot move into that town’s hex.
To resolve a town encounter, refer to the town’s entry in the gazetteer and follow these steps:
1. Check Town Effect: Resolve this effect if it is triggered at the start of the encounter.
2. Reveal Trainer and Shop: Most towns have a shop feature and a trainer feature, each of which has components that must be revealed.
► Shop: Draw a number of common item ( ) and legendary item (
) cards equal to the shop’s values for each type and place those cards faceup. Items not taken from the shop are discarded at the end of the town encounter.
► Trainer: Draw the number of skill line tokens specified in the gazetteer entry from the trainer bag and place them within reach of all players. If a trainer’s constellation icon is faded out, set aside any skill line token of that constellation that is drawn and redraw another, returning the set-aside tokens to the bag when done. Tokens not taken from the trainer are returned to the trainer bag at the end of the town encounter.
3. Complete Side Quests: If the party has side quest cards that can be completed during a town encounter, gain those quests’ rewards and discard those cards now.
4. Town Actions: Each adventurer can take up to 2 town actions to use town features or take actions granted by abilities.