You can increase an attribute by spending the required XP cost to add a stat token or skill die to an open square slot in that attribute’s row. Each additional token or die must be added to the open square slot that is closest to the side of the row with that attribute’s circular token. The attribute cost for an open slot is shown at the top of that slot’s column. When increasing an attribute from the left side of the row, use the attribute cost in the white box. When increasing an attribute from the right side, use the attribute cost in the black box. If any of that skill line’s dice are in the cooldown track (or drained), the cost is equal to that of the rightmost (or leftmost) open slot the new die would be placed in if all of that line’s dice were available.

• To add a skill die, you must have trained that skill line, either when creating your adventurer or by visiting a trainer as a town action. To add a skill die of levels 2–4, you must also have at least 1 other skill die in the same line that is either the same level as, or 1 level below, the new skill die. For example, to add a level 3 Bow skill die, you must also have at least one level 2 or level 3 Bow skill die currently added to your adventurer mat. If you have added a skill die to your attribute rows, that die is referred to as trained.