The party triggers the Dark Forces of Greed side quest encounter and succeeds at the resulting clash battle. Afterward, it chooses to attempt to swindle the mage. This choice also includes a social check that, if successful, allows 1 adventurer to gain the Glyph of Stamina item (in addition to the choice’s reward).

1. The party decides to try the social check. It has a difficulty value of + 3. There are 2 adventurers in the party, so the difficulty value is 5. Ryan has 3 tenacity to spend and Shannon has 1 tenacity, so together they cannot succeed by only spending tenacity.

2. However, Shannon has the Speech skill line trained and has 1 available Intimidating Presence die. The Speech line’s ability allows any die from that line to be rolled during a social check to add its numeric value to the party’s total for the check. She decides to roll the die—which must be done before adventurers spend tenacity—resulting in 1 of its results.

3. After seeing the result, each adventurer decides to spend all of their available tenacity, for 4 total spent tenacity. Adding Shannon’s die result, the party’s total is 5, which equals the social check’s difficulty value, so the check succeeds. Shannon must also exhaust her rolled die, as the rule for social checks requires. The attempt is resolved, and the party has also resolved the encounter’s choice, so the party chooses for Ryan to gain the Glyph of Stamina.