When your adventurer gains an item card, place it in your inventory. Items are explained in this section. Your inventory cannot exceed 8 total cards. If it is full and you gain additional cards, you must choose which cards to keep and discard any excess cards.

• Your inventory has 4 ready slots for item cards. These cards are placed alongside your adventurer class sheet. Ready items can be used both during and outside of battle.

• Items that are not ready are kept in your pack area. These cards are placed over the image at the top of your race sheet. During a battle, pack items cannot be used and must be stacked together (outside of battle, items may be used at any time unless otherwise specified). You can move items between your pack and ready slots when you are deployed at the start of battle or during the End of Day Phase.

• When you gain an item card (including during battle), you may choose to place that card in a ready slot or in your pack. If you would like to place the item in a ready slot and your ready slots are already full, you must remove a card from a slot and place it in your pack area or discard it instead.

• Some quests specify that you gain additional item cards that are not placed in your inventory. If you do, place those cards near your mat, separate from the cards in your inventory.