This form includes spaces for all party-level info for each session of the campaign.


1. Party XP: This is the value of the party’s XP Dial after the end of the previous session.

2. Adventurer Names: Each space is for an adventurer’s name (and player’s name, if desired).

3. Session Quests: These areas provide space for recording a session’s guild quest and other related quest notes.

4. Major Keywords: This is for keywords gained from completing guild quests.

5. Minor Keywords: This is for keywords gained from completing side quests or other sources.

Campaign Journal: front of sheet


1. Notes: The back side of the journal is for any special province-specific notes, such as closed towns or special game effects. It can also include notes on the current session’s quest, or the next session’s province or quest choices, based on the quest completed during this session.

Campaign Journal: back of sheet