During a delve encounter Shannon moves into a hex with a cache chip. She chooses to make a lockpick check.
1. Shannon looks at the back of the top card of the Deck. The card has a 6-5-2-3 difficulty code. The 6 digit is the key digit, and the code has 4 attempts. Shannon rolls the lockpick dice, resulting in a 4, 2, and 2.
2. She can now adjust results. This code has a key digit, so Shannon must match that digit before she can keep any of the other dice. She decides to gain 2 light fatigue, which allows her to change up to 2 results. She changes the 4 result twice, setting it to 6.
3. Shannon has matched the 6 key digit, so she can keep other results on future rolls. She has also matched the 2 digit. However, she has not yet matched the entire code.
4. Shannon still has 3 attempts, so she keeps one matching 2 result but does not need to keep the 6 result after matching the key digit. She returns to the reroll step and rolls her 6 result and her non-matching 2 result, resulting in 5 and 4.
5. She can again adjust results, so she decides to gain 1 light fatigue, which allows her to change 1 result. She changes the 4 result, setting it to 3.
6. Shannon has now matched all digits of the code with her dice, so she succeeds at the lockpick check! The cache is unlocked, so she discards the chip and takes the top card of the item deck. It is a weapon item (
), the Scampcrusher. She adds the item to her ready slots.
7. The lockpick check interrupted Shannon’s move action. She moved 2 hexes and can still move 1 more hex, so she moves to an empty hex and ends her move action.