To make a check against a difficulty code, follow this procedure.

1. Roll: Gather and roll your chosen number of lockpick dice.

► If this is your first attempt, you must roll all 3 lockpick dice. During additional attempts, you may choose to keep 1 or more results from your previous attempt by setting those dice aside. These dice are not rolled during additional attempts.

► If there is a key digit (shown in a spiked border), you must keep a die matching that digit before you may keep any other dice. However, you can decide to keep other dice rolled in the same attempt after deciding to keep a die matching the key digit. After you have kept the die matching the key digit and resolved that attempt, you may then roll that die during additional attempts as normal.

2. Adjust Results: You may change die results by gaining light fatigue. For each light fatigue gained, you may change 1 die result by 1, rotating that die to either increase or decrease its result (you cannot rotate a 6 to a 1 or vice versa).

3. Resolve the Attempt: Compare your results to the difficulty code.

► If your accumulated results match each digit of the code, you succeed at the check.

► If your results do not match each digit, you fail this attempt, but you may continue to roll until you have no remaining attempts.

► If you fail an attempt and have no remaining attempts or choose not to continue rolling, the check is failed and all die results accumulated for that check are lost. After the lockpick check is resolved, you resume your turn in your current encounter.