1. Enemy Image.
2. Level: This is the enemy’s numeric level value, which determines its value in the enemy pool and turn order. This is also shown by the border color of the enemy chip.
► Black: level 1 / Green: level 5.
► Purple: level 10 / Red: level 20.
► Brown: quest unit; these have no level value but are treated as higher than all other levels when determining enemy turn order. These units’ chips are white instead of black.
3. Name.
4. Type: This icon is the enemy’s type, which can be referred to by some encounters.
► Humanoid ( )
► Beast ( )
► Daedra ( )
5. Province: This two-letter code is the province the enemy can appear in. During setup, you will only include coded enemies of the current province and enemies with no code in the enemy draw bags. Enemies with no code can appear in any province.
6. Health: This number of HP chips is placed under the enemy when it is deployed to the battle map. This number is also its full HP. When an enemy takes damage, its HP chips are removed one at a time, starting with the bottom-most chip in the unit’s stack. When an enemy loses all of its HP chips, it is defeated.
7. Range: This value determines the enemy’s engage range, which is the maximum distance at which it can engage an opposing unit.
8. Combat: This is the number of enemy Combat dice the enemy rolls during its turn and then resolves against each target. The combined value rolled on all enemy Combat dice is the amount of damage dealt to each target.
9. Defense: This is the amount of damage prevented each time an engage or ability deals damage to the enemy.
10. Targets: The number of units the enemy can engage during its turn is equal to the figures in this icon. For example, a indicates that an enemy can engage 2 targets.
► An enemy cannot engage the same unit more than once per turn.
► An enemy with multiple targets rolls its Combat dice once and deals the rolled damage to all of its targets.
► If the enemy has the all ( ) target icon, it engages all possible targets in range.
11. Priority: This determines which unit the enemy targets and engages during its turn if it has multiple options. This can also affect how the enemy moves.
► Strongest ( ): The opposing unit with the highest HP (not including bonus HP).
► Weakest ( ): The opposing unit with the lowest HP (not including bonus HP).
► If multiple possible targets have the same strength, the party chooses which unit is targeted.
12. Skills: These are the enemy’s skills. Each is described on the Enemy Skills Reference.
A level 1 enemy chip
A level 5 enemy chip
A level 10 enemy chip
A level 20 enemy chip