1. Start of Round: Increase the Round Counter die by 1 (Important: skip this during the first round of a battle) and trigger any abilities with this timing. After Round 5, set the Round Counter to the fatigue round icon ( ). This is a fatigue round; unless the Round Counter is reduced to 5 or lower, each subsequent round is a fatigue round until the end of the battle. For any effect that depends on the round number, all fatigue rounds are considered to be Round 6.

Fatigue Damage: At the start of each fatigue round, each adventurer gains 1 overfatigue die. Then, each adventurer is dealt true damage equal to the total number of overfatigue in their cooldown track.

2. Adventurer Turns: Each adventurer takes their turn, starting with the first player and continuing clockwise around the table until each adventurer has taken 1 turn.

3. Companion Turns: If the party has companion units, each companion takes a turn in the order of the party’s choosing.

Undeployed Companions: If a companion was not deployed at the start of battle and there is an unoccupied hex on the entrance tile, deploy that companion when it would take its turn (it may then take its turn normally).

4. Enemy Turns: Each enemy on the battle map takes a turn, starting with the highest-level enemy and working downwards in level until all enemies have taken a turn. If multiple enemies have the same level, the party decides in which order those enemies take their turns.

5. End of Round: Trigger any effects that occur with this timing.

► Determine whether the encounter is complete; if it is, the battle ends.

► The party may retreat and end the encounter at this time.