The players proceed to the Encounter Phase to set up the delve battle.

1. The players separate the delve tiles into their stacks. Then, they place the entrance tile on the edge of the play area, with the icon facing the middle of the play area.

2. For this battle, the players decide to give the first player token to Ryan.

a. Ryan deploys his Dark Elf adventurer chip to the top hex of the right column. He switches to form.

b. Shannon deploys her chip next. She deploys her chip to the bottom hex of the right column. She is already in battle form, so she does not switch. She decides to use her Bravil Melon Salad to grant herself 3 tenacity, discarding the card after doing so. This brings Shannon to 5 tenacity, which is the maximum. There are no companion units for the players to deploy.

3. The players set the Round Counter die to 1. The battle is ready to begin.

Ryan's battle form

Shannon's battle form