1. Step Code: This code includes a letter and a 2-digit number. The letter is the step’s alphabetical order within its quest. The number is the step’s unique identifier within its gazetteer. The first step code of each quest also includes a numeric complexity rating.

2. Quest Title.

3. Guild: This is the name of the guild the quest belongs to.

4. Session Snapshot: This appears in the first step of a quest and briefly summarizes what the players can expect.

5. Story Text: This describes the characters and situation involved in this step.

6. Starting Location: This appears in the first step. The party token is placed in this town’s hex on the overland map after the quest is chosen.

7. Special Setup Instructions: This describes any additional setup for the quest step, including the location of NPC tokens on the map and any specific quest units, item cards, or other components that are set aside.

8. Quest Objective: This section describes any specific instructions or choices that can be made to complete the current step. It also describes any additional rules or consequences for this step. If the text refers to any of the game’s 3 battle modes (clash, delve, or dungeon), this quest encounter is resolved following the rules for that type of battle. Note: The quest objective section also includes a recommendation for what day the objective should be completed by. This is not a requirement, but if the party completes the objective after the recommended day, it may put overall quest success in jeopardy.

9. Ongoing Step Effects: This section describes any ongoing rules or effects that are active while the party is working on completing the current step. These effects are active even outside of quest encounters, and will only deactivate once the party has completed the step and moved on to the next one.

10. Rewards: This shows any XP ( ) rewards that the party gains for successfully completing the step.

11. Battle Map Setup Diagram: If the step results in a clash battle, the setup diagram is shown here. If there are multiple choices with a clash outcome for this step, the setup diagram applies to all of them.

12. Battle Info: If the step includes a battle, this describes the battle’s objective, as well as the battle’s challenge modifier, if any.