During your turn, you can take a number of actions, including moving, engaging, resolving class abilities, or exploring at a distance. When it is your adventurer’s turn to act, follow the steps below.
1. Start of Turn: Trigger any abilities with this timing.
2. Recovery: Remove a number of dice from your cooldown track equal to your Cooldown stat, starting with the die furthest to the left in the track. As you remove dice, slide remaining dice in the track toward the left side to close any empty slots. Each type of die is handled as described below.
► Skills: Recover and place skill dice in the correct slots in your attribute rows.
► Fatigue: Discard light fatigue. Remove overfatigue and replace them at the leftmost open position in the track.
► Status Effects: Discard status dice.
3. Adventurer Actions: Your adventurer may perform 1 or more of the below actions in any order you choose. You must resolve each action before you perform another action. Note that some actions prevent an adventurer from performing others, but there is no hard limit to the number of actions an adventurer can perform on their turn.
► Move: Move a number of adjacent hexes up to the value of your Stamina stat.
► Engage: Any number of times per turn, roll a number of available skill dice up to your Stamina or Magicka stat, as appropriate for each skill.
• After your first engage action each turn, you must gain 1 light fatigue each time you perform an additional engage action (if playing on Expert difficulty, gain 2 light fatigue instead). Otherwise, there is no limit to the number of engage actions you can perform.
► Class Ability: Any number of times per turn, spend the required amount of tenacity to trigger a class ability.
• Each non-enduring class ability must be triggered at its correct timing and can be triggered only once per turn.
► Explore (delve only): Once per turn, explore a hex from a distance up to your Stamina.
4. End of Turn: Trigger any abilities with this timing. Then, proceed to the next adventurer or enemy in turn order.