After resolving day 2’s encounter, the adventurers complete the Reward Phase.
1. First, the party gains its reward for succeeding at the encounter. The party’s encounter choice granted a 2 XP reward, so the party increases its XP Dial from 2 to 4. Each adventurer also adjusts their XP tracker peg to show they have 2 available XP.
The group XP is rotated from 2 to 4.
Ryan’s XP increase
Ryan’s XP increase
2. The party resolved the encounter at an unstable location ( ) on the overland map. Because of this, each adventurer gains 2 tenacity for resolving the encounter. Each adjusts their tenacity peg to show this.
Ryan’s tenacity increase
Shannon’s tenacity increase
3. Next, the adventurers each decide whether to untrain any of their stats or skills. At this point in the game, neither wants to do so.
4. After this, the adventurers gain their advancements and spend XP individually.
a. Ryan spends 1 XP to add 1 Purge skill die (a level 1 skill) to his Restoring Light skill line. That skill line’s round token is at the right side of its row, so the XP cost to add this die is set by the number in the black box above the rightmost column, where the die will be placed. He also spends 1 more XP to add a Hasty Prayer skill die, which is Restoring Light’s other level 1 skill. Ryan has spent all XP from his individual tracker and adjusts it to its 0 position.
b. Shannon spends 2 XP to add 1 Shadow Cloak skill die and 1 Refreshing Shadows skill die to her Shadow skill line; these are both level 1 skills. As above, each of these advancements costs 1 XP, as set by the numbers above the column each die is placed in. Shannon then adjusts her XP tracker to 0.
Ryan’s adventurer mat after rewards
Shannon’s adventurer mat after rewards
5. Finally, if the party’s current quest step would require players to track quest progress resulting from the encounter, they would do so now. The step does not require this, so the party skips this step. Then, the Reward Phase ends.