The player controlling a companion makes the decisions for that unit during each step below. Moving and engaging are optional.

1. Start of Turn: Trigger any abilities with this timing, such as status effects or skill dice on the companion.

2. Move: You may move the companion up to 2 hexes. The companion can be moved as chosen and does not follow normal enemy movement priorities.

3. Engage: The companion may engage opposing units, if able, following these substeps in the order below.

a. Determine Target(s): Refer to the companion’s range and target icons, and choose which unit(s) the companion targets. Only targetable units in sight and in range can be chosen. A companion’s targeting priority icon is ignored.

b. Gather and Roll Dice: Roll all of the companion’s Combat dice. A companion rolls enemy Combat dice. If the companion can engage multiple targets in range, you roll its engage once and resolve the roll against each chosen target during the next substep.

c. Resolve the Roll: Resolve the total rolled Combat dice value against each of the companion’s targets.

d. Units React: Adventurers, companions, or other enemies may resolve abilities that are triggered after this companion’s engage. Enemies must resolve these abilities, if able.

4. End of Turn: Trigger any abilities with this timing. Then, if there are other companions, the next companion takes its turn.

Units Explained

1. Units

2. Opposing Units

3. Party

4. Enemies

5. Adventurers

6. Allies

7. Level 1/5 enemies

8. Level 10/20 enemies

9. Your adventurer

10. Other adventurers

11. Quest unit enemies

12. Temporary allies

13. Companions (including quest units)