Your party can have only 1 active guild quest at a time, which defines the party’s main quest for that session. If the party is unable to complete its guild quest by the end of day 12 or fails any of that quest’s steps, it has failed at the session’s goal, which ends both the session and campaign.

Guild quests are specific to a single province of Tamriel. They also frequently identify 1 or more quest units—unique, powerful units who need to be located and either defeated or aided to complete that quest and the session.

The guild quest’s steps appear in the current province’s gazetteer. Your party’s guild is represented by the guild card, which shows the guild’s icon. Each guild card also describes an ability the party’s adventurers can use as an action during town encounters.

Once during each campaign, the party can call on its guild’s support for a dramatic, sudden assist either during battle or to help it move quickly across the overland map. This is called a guild assist.