As day 2 begins, the party advances the Day Dial to 2. Their current quest step says it is completed by traveling to either Stormhold at the extreme north of the map, or by traveling to nearby Stonewastes.
During the Overland Phase, they decide to move the party token 3 hexes northwest from Lilmoth and toward Stonewastes. Because the weather is now Rainy (it changed during the previous End of Day Phase), the party’s base movement rate is 2. The party must use fatigue movement to move its last hex, which means each adventurer adds 1 light fatigue to their cooldown track.
The party stops at the unstable landmark ( ) hex southeast of Dead-Water Village. The party does not trigger a quest encounter at its location, and it is not in a town. Because the party is at a
hex, a player must roll the unstable die to determine what kind of encounter the party triggers. They roll a
result, which means they must draw the top card of the Peaceful Overland Deck. They draw Mending Fences, then move on to the Encounter Phase to resolve this encounter.