
Each class ability has a timing at which it can be triggered. You will trigger most class abilities during your turn in battle, but others may be triggered outside battle. Some class abilities have a bolded timing keyword.

• Enduring: This class ability does not require tenacity to be spent. Instead, it is active while your tenacity is equal to or greater than the required value. The ability is no longer in effect if your tenacity drops below this number.

• Interrupt: This class ability may be triggered according to its text’s timing, either during a unit’s turn or outside battle. If another ability or game effect would be resolved, the interrupt ability is resolved first. If 2 interrupt abilities would be resolved at the same time, the party decides which ability is resolved first.

When tenacity is spent to trigger an ability, move the peg in your tenacity tracker to the slot equal to your remaining tenacity. You can trigger multiple different class abilities during a battle turn if you have enough tenacity to spend, but you can only trigger each specific ability that requires spending tenacity once during that turn. An innate or enduring ability can be triggered multiple times per turn if the wording of the ability allows.

Some class abilities can only be used in specific battle forms. The battle form icon is printed before the ability in these cases. When an adventurer’s class ability that costs tenacity is triggered, they can change battle form before resolving that ability, regardless of when this occurs, gaining 1 light fatigue to do so.

Class Abilities with Costs