Each skill die ability has at least 1 of the following codes that determines how it is resolved and where the die must be placed afterwards. Some skills have wording that can affect non-target units. If an ability requires that a die be exhausted, that die must be placed in the leftmost open position in the cooldown track.
• Active Slot ( ): This skill die must be placed in 1 of your active slots (or, if specified by the skill, the active slot of another adventurer). The die’s ability is resolved as described in its entry, typically by reducing the die’s value or removing it from its slot. When a die is removed from an active slot, it is exhausted unless its ability specifies otherwise.
• Cooldown Track ( ): This skill die is exhausted. The die’s ability is resolved as described in its entry and is typically ongoing until it is removed from the cooldown track. If for any reason you decide not to resolve a
result, place it in your cooldown track with the
result face up (without gaining tenacity).
• Drained ( ): This skill die’s ability is resolved instantly as described in its entry. Then, that die is placed on the adventurer’s race sheet. It is unavailable for the remainder of the battle and is considered drained.
• Instant ( ): This skill die’s ability is resolved instantly as described in its entry. Then, that die is exhausted.
• Status Effect ( ): This skill die is placed in a unique manner (for example, on an enemy or in a hex), and its ability is resolved as described in its entry. When a status effect skill die is removed from its current position, that die is exhausted unless its ability specifies otherwise. Note that quest units cannot gain status effects from adventurer abilities.